all postcodes in PR25 / LEYLAND

find any address or company within the PR25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR25 3AA 1 53.689027 -2.693633
PR25 3AB 0 53.689084 -2.688254
PR25 3AD 0 53.688923 -2.686817
PR25 3AE 0 53.688196 -2.683458
PR25 3AF 0 53.688249 -2.691455
PR25 3AG 0 53.686295 -2.688985
PR25 3AH 1 53.687605 -2.68622
PR25 3AJ 0 53.684323 -2.688044
PR25 3AL 0 53.687599 -2.693458
PR25 3AN 0 53.687577 -2.692242
PR25 3AP 0 53.686335 -2.692922
PR25 3AQ 0 53.687397 -2.683188
PR25 3AR 0 53.686183 -2.68179
PR25 3AS 0 53.682661 -2.684686
PR25 3AT 0 53.687466 -2.682265
PR25 3AU 0 53.686184 -2.684773
PR25 3AW 0 53.687144 -2.6913
PR25 3AX 0 53.685111 -2.683726
PR25 3AY 0 53.685204 -2.686468
PR25 3AZ 0 53.687312 -2.688653